Monday, April 20, 2009

Talking Points #8
Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Schooling
By: Jean Anyon

Author's Argument:
During this article, Anyon argues that students based on economic backgrounds are being schooled to be ready for certain jobs and professions.  The "working class" students are being prepared to grow up to also have "blue collar" jobs and the executive elite school studnets were being prepared to have white collar jobs, such as lawyers and doctors.

1)  "One teacher explained to me, 'Simple punctuation is all they'll ever use.'"
This quote is saying working class people only need to know the basics because they won't need any of the in-depth stuff because they won't use it.  While higher class schools emphasize the importance of the complex language of English.

2)  "The teacher's attempt to control the class involves constant negotiation.  She does not give direct orders unless she is angry because the children have been too noisy.  Normally, she tries to get them to foresee the consequences of their actions and to decide accordingly."
This is pretty interesting he is changing the way kids think  that they don't have a voice in the classroom.  When the teacher attempts to negotiate with his/ her students shows the kids that they are trying to work on the communication with teacher's.  That gives the students a great feeling of belongingness.

3)"The four 5th grade teachers observed in the working class schools attempted to control classroom time and space by making decisions without consulting the children and without explaining the basis for their decision."
I'm not sure what author it is that we got the quote from in class, but its is something like we do the things we do but do we know why we do what we do.  The school being lower class, the teachers don't really care about the students learning and becoming successful in society.

This was an interesting article.  I felt it was pretty easy to read and had a lot of true, but eye-opening information.  Its one of those things you know goes on and you think about it, but you never really expect it.  Being form a public school I always talk crap about private schools just because I don't like the whole idea of paying to get a "better" education. 

1 comment:

  1. i liked the quotes that you picked out from this article. They do show the authors arguments and i agree with you in that this article was an easy read and was an eye opener
