Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Talking Points #4

Unlearning the Myths That Bind Is
Linda Christensen

Authors Argument:
Christensen is arguing that the media we have as younger children imbeds into our brain early stereotypes, racism's, and superficial motifs.  She reveals that as adults, and parents that it is our responsibility to stop these actions and not let them continue.  It is not right to have these images, being displayed to young children who develops into adults, to have these ideas in their heads as being "ok".


1)  "Women who aren't white begin to feel left out and ugly because they never get to play the princess."
This must be the worst feeling as a non-white women.  What little girl doesn't want to be a princess, or pretend to be one, or be treated like one.  When every single princess is white, every single queen and royalty is white, doesn't that give the image that a non-white women could never amount to a princess.  This doesn't only make a women feel bad, but it is also racist.  Why can't an African American woman be a princess?  There isn't a good reason why there shouldn't be one.

2)  "Happiness means getting a man, and transformation from wretched conditions can be achieved through consumption-in their case, through new clothes and a new hairstyle."
A woman does not need a man.  A woman shouldn't have to change who she is to be who she is not, just to impress a man.  It is like those movies where the ugly, trouble maker suddenly becomes this beautiful queen, and everyone wants to be her friend.  Every guy wants her, she win homecoming, and lives happily ever after, just because she changed her hair style, put on makeup, and took her glasses off.  Girls shouldn't feel like they have to be dressed up and beautiful all the time.

3)  "We don't call it deception; we call it good taste.  And soon it feels awkward going to the mailbox without makeup."
Lol.  Makeup isn't beauty, its a mask to pretend to be pretty.  I always tell girls not to wear makeup.  I feel it is unattractive sometimes.  I'd rather see the true beauty in her than the expensive stuff she bought to mask herself.  I think this quote is hilarious because it is true.  There are some people I have never seen without makeup.  I always tell my close girl friends not to wear it because its pointless.  Girls shouldn't feel the need to put it on if they are just running out of the house if anything.

I really enjoyed reading this article because it was easy and fairly laid back reading.  I enjoyed how it showed all the different ways that people are influenced as a child.  It's pretty hard to look at all these Disney films that I loved growing up and realize how crazy the stereotypes are, and how much they really did put images into your head, without you realizing, that we have keep for all of these years.  I think this article will be fun to talk about in class, because it takes us back to our childhoods.


  1. Hey Jared,

    I am a Secondary Ed major with a concentration in math too.. This is my third year at RIC and as you can see I'm definitely on the five year plan if I waited this long to take FNED. Hopefully you'll be in some of my other math classes...

  2. I agree with you. It was nice to read this article and also funny because, as you said, it brings us back to our childhood but also opens our eyes to see the reality behind cartoons and the influence they have in one's life...

  3. Hey
    that is pretty cool that you are coaching baseball. I miss playing softball.. I was going to play for the school, but I wanted to get a feel for how busy I was going to be with college. Wish I was still playing :(

  4. I can see this made you think, huh? Did you enjoy talking about it in class?

  5. Yeah that is a good point about coaching for the rest of your life! I should....I want to but I am nervous...hahah :)

  6. lol I hate thinking about the Disney films as so sexist and racist. I still love them and I loved them as a kid. They really do need to start making more films where non white girls are princesses though. It's 2009 and there's still not really any major heroines for girls to look up to. I liked reading your responses to the quotes, it's cool to hear what a guy thinks about those kind of things.

  7. i agree.....i like how this article brought back childhood memories but it def opened my eyes on everything. its kind of sad...i loved disney cartoons
